2024 MD-VA Chesapeake Bay Striped Bass Surveys

posted in: Science-Research | 0

Surveys of juvenile striped bass in the Chesapeake Bay watershed found lower numbers of fish in 2024. Conducted by biologists in Maryland and Virginia, the surveys included counts of juvenile striped bass and other species in waters of the Chesapeake … Continued

2023 Maryland Underwater Grasses Survey

posted in: Science-Research | 0

Abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) remained steady in 2023 in the state’s portion of Chesapeake Bay, reaching 37,770 acres, according to recently released data by the Chesapeake Bay Program and Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Surveys indicate a … Continued

2023 Blackwater NWR Eagle Survey

posted in: Chesapeake Bay News | 0

The 2024 Mid-winter Eagle Survey at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge was completed recently, with promising results. Volunteers and staff counted 174 eagles during the 30-minute count period, including 114 adult bald eagles, 48 immature bald eagles, and 12 unknowns. No golden … Continued