The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently announced a new northern snakehead tagging program, held in conjunction with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The tagging program will help monitor invasive northern snakeheads in the Chesapeake Bay and Blackwater River.
Both agencies are placing yellow or blue tags on up to 500 northern snakeheads. Each tagged northern snakehead caught and harvested from now until 2024 could be rewarded with a gift card of $10 or $200 depending on the tag.
In order to qualify, the harvester must report the tag number to USFWS at 800-448-8322, and is asked to take a picture of their harvested and tagged northern snakehead. Only harvested northern snakeheads with reported tags will qualify for gift cards.
By measuring the amount of northern snakehead harvested, the agencies will learn if population benchmarks are being reached and help control the spread of the species.
The population of snakeheads has been increasing in the upper Chesapeake Bay and is likely the top fish species that eats other fish in the Blackwater River.
According to DNR, Harvesting northern snakeheads can reduce predation pressure on the state’s natural resources, and the fish is also considered a flavorful and nutritious food source.
It is illegal to transport a live northern snakehead in Maryland and surrounding states. More information on northern snakeheads is available on the Maryland DNR website.
source: Maryland Department of Natural Resources
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