Green Streets Green Jobs Green Towns (G3) Infrastructure Grants

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The Chesapeake Bay Trust, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WV DEP) recently announced over $1 million in funding has been awarded to 13 projects that span Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia as part of the Chesapeake Bay Green Streets, Green Jobs, Green Towns Grant Program.

These awards help communities develop and implement projects that reduce stormwater runoff; increase the green spaces in urban areas; improve the health of local rivers, streams, and the Chesapeake Bay; create “green jobs;” and enhance livability in towns and communities.

This green infrastructure program is designed to facilitate and encourage communities implementing traditional “gray” infrastructure projects, such as repaving roads or reconfiguring intersections, to add green elements at little additional cost. These green elements then offer cost-effective savings on stormwater treatment, flooding abatement, and other community benefits.

The Green Streets, Green Jobs, Green Towns Initiative was started in 2011, led by water experts at EPA and then expanded into the program it is today. To date, 245 projects have received funding and $14.4 million has been invested into greening communities.

Greening local communities has been shown to have multiple human benefits, from savings on energy costs that hit the wallet via provision of shade to reduction of illnesses to reduction in crime.  Studies show that time spent outdoors in green spaces leads to improved mental health, reduced absenteeism in employees, improved heart health, and more.

Green Streets, Green Jobs, Green Towns Grant Program Awardees

Borough of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania – $150,000

A project that will directly reduce stormwater runoff into the Conococheague Creek, reduce associated flooding in the immediate area, address bank stabilization, and implement green infrastructure components.  Major enhancements to the area include the reduction of Hood Street flooding; the installation of sub-surface infiltration beds to manage stormwater; the planting of pollinator gardens; and the removal of invasive species and planting native riparian buffers.

City Neighbors Foundation, Baltimore, Maryland – $148,883

A complete green renovation of the City Neighbors Charter parking lot, located in NE Baltimore City.  Installations include 1270 sq. ft. of micro-bioretention, 1679 sq. ft. of pervious paving, and a 105 sq. ft. rain garden, all of which will be open for exploration by students, their families, and the general public.

City of Romney, West Virginia – $118,555

A water filtration project to be located in Romney, West Virginia that will be funded through new program partner, West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection. The project will retrofit a large parking lot and adjoining streets with water filtering bioswales.  Runoff will be filtered from 3.3 acres of drainage area, 0.85 acres of which is impervious.  The filtration system will address the issue of unfiltered runoff into a nearby stream which flows less than one mile into the South Branch of the Potomac River.

Druid Heights Community Development Corporation, Baltimore, Maryland – $29,998

An engineering design to reduce the amount of stormwater runoff going into the Jones Falls watershed and the Chesapeake Bay. The design will create a community-envisioned greening plan that will incorporate trees, bioswales, and other stormwater management facilities. The design will be created with the residents as part of their overall vision for the West Baltimore neighborhood.

James River Association, Petersburg, Virginia – $118,146

The implementation of a critical component of green and gray infrastructure for the Lakemont community which will better manage stormwater and improve local water quality. The proposed Nash Street Grassy Swale project represents a continued commitment to implement infrastructure improvements for Lakemont which will enhance existing conditions, reduce the volume of stormwater runoff, and treat water quality.

Joe’s Movement Emporium/World Arts Focus, Mount Rainier, Maryland – $150,000

The implementation of stormwater management practices at Joe’s arts center, as part of “Story of Water and Art.” Stormwater management features – green roof, vertical rain gardens, and green roof demonstration unit – will resolve flooding issues around the urban property, and be integrated with native plants, educational signage, a mural, and outdoor program space.

ShoreRivers, Preston, Maryland – $24,122

A design of conservation improvements to the James T. Wright Memorial Park, adding bioswales to alleviate overly-saturated conditions, tree canopy to beautify and cool community gathering areas, and conservation meadows to enhance the beauty of the park and increase pollinator habitat.

The Community Ecology Institute, Columbia, Maryland – $108,650

The implementation of the engineered plans associated with Atholton high school, which will provide highly visible demonstrations of best management practices, achieve health benefits for the Middle Patuxent Watershed, address chronic neighborhood stormwater flooding, and provide an outdoor education space for the school community.

Town of Emmitsburg, Maryland – $121,400

The installation of a forebay and micropool with pilot channels and wetland area within the existing dry extended detention pond footprint to provide water quality controls for the 7.96-acres of impervious area while also providing water quantity controls for the 22.22-acre drainage area without increasing discharge flow rates.

Town of Galena, Maryland – $30,000

An engineered design plan that identifies potential solutions to address stormwater runoff that causes localized flooding in the area of Division Street and a parking area behind a local grocery store and delicatessen. Along with using green infrastructure practices such as bioretention, green infrastructure will be utilized to help improve the flow of traffic in and through the area as well to screen adjoining properties.

Town of Glen Echo, Maryland – $28,271

The design of two stormwater remediation projects, a rain garden at Town Hall and a swale in the right of way, that will address town flooding issues.

Town of Millington, Maryland – $9,995

A concept plan to treat stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces, environmental restoration, and pervious parking enhancements, while improving public access and opportunities via a kayak launch and shoreline improvements to the properties owned by the Town along the Chester River.

Watershed Alliance of York, York and Lancaster Counties, Pennsylvania – $20,700

A two-part workshop and repeatable workshop template that will focus on the responsibilities of Homeowner Associations (HOAs) in York and Lancaster counties for their stormwater management infrastructure. One important deliverable will be a template that groups such as watershed organizations can use to easily plan and conduct this workshop/charrette in counties throughout the Bay watershed.


source: Chesapeake Bay Trust

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