2022 Maryland Waterway Improvement Fund Grants

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commercial fishing boats

The State of Maryland will award $13.5 million in Waterway Improvement Fund grants for Fiscal Year 2022 to enhance and improve public boating access, facilities, and navigation throughout the state.

The funding will go toward 60 projects in 19 counties, including grants for statewide projects and emergency water rescue needs.

Projects include new public boating access, amenities, and facilities; dredging of navigable waterways; emergency vessels and equipment for local first responders; and other important infrastructure and initiatives.

To streamline the grant application and management process, Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has created the Grants Gateway to provide a single entry point for grantees and assure access to funding for innovative, local projects.

The gateway also provides DNR with an integrated grant-management system to monitor sources, manage data, and ensure grants are consistent with the department’s strategic priorities.

The Waterway Improvement Fund was created in 1966 to support the development, enjoyment, and use of Maryland’s waters for the benefit of the general boating and cruising public. It is primarily derived from a five-percent vessel excise tax on boat purchases and titling.


Projects to be funded in Fiscal Year 2022:

Allegany County

Rocky Gap State Park
Boating access improvement and bulkhead replacement

Town of Westernport
Boat launch improvements

Anne Arundel County

Annapolis Fire Department
Equipment purchase for fire boats

City of Annapolis
Adaptive boating center

City of Annapolis
Engineering of new docks at Burtis Basin

City of Annapolis
Floating dock installation at multiple street ends

Green Heron Point, Arnold
Dividing creek maintenance dredging

Grays Creek and Hunters Harbor, Lake Shore
Maintenance dredging

Water Oak Point Road, Pasadena
Rock Creek dredged material placement site rehabilitation and stockpiling

Sandy Point State Park
Boat ramp and marina parking area improvements

Boone Trail, Severna Park
Yantz Creek and Saltworks Creek dredging

Baltimore County

Baltimore County Fire Department, Cockeysville
New fire and rescue vessel

Bowleys Quarters Volunteer Fire Department, Middle River
New fire and rescue vessel

Gunpowder Falls State Park
Dundee Creek Marina pier and utility upgrades

Baltimore City

Living Classrooms Foundation Marina

Calvert County

Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons
Boat basin pier and bulkhead replacement

Town of Chesapeake Beach
Chesapeake Beach dredge material placement site

St. Leonard Volunteer Fire Department
New fire and rescue vessel

Caroline County

Choptank Marina, Preston
Auxiliary parking lot expansion and permanent surfacing

Choptank Marina, Preston
Engineering for redesign of fuel tank and seawall

Tuckahoe State Park
Boat ramp replacement

Dorchester County

City of Cambridge Municipal Marina
Marina improvements

Crocheron Wharf
Repairs and improvements

Smithville Boat Ramp
Ramp repairs and improvements

Frederick County

Cunningham Falls State Park
Boating ADA improvement

Garrett County

Deep Creek Lake State Park
Boat dock replacement and boat area repairs

Harford County

City of Havre de Grace
Water Street boat ramp parking lot

City of Havre de Grace
Engineering for City of Havre de Grace marina dredging

Kent County

Rock Hall Volunteer Fire Department
Fire and rescue vessel

Prince George’s County

Prince George’s County Fire Department
Water safety rescue equipment

Queen Anne’s County

Centreville Landing
Parking lot and bulkhead enhancements

Chesapeake Heritage and Visitor Center, Chester
Boat ramp and pier

Southeast Creek Landing, Church Hill

Crumpton Landing
Boat ramp and bulkhead replacement

Somerset County

City of Crisfield
Crisfield Depot piers and walkways

Dames Quarter
Boat ramp bulkhead and pier improvements

Janes Island State Park
Boat ramp and transient slip repairs

Smith Island
Tylerton county dock and harbor improvements

Somers Cove Marina, Crisfield
Bulkhead replacement and marina site improvements
$2 million

Somers Cove Marina
General maintenance

St. Peters Creek Marina
Bulkhead and finger pier replacement

St. Mary’s County

Bushwood Wharf
Pier repair

Ridge Volunteer Fire Department
Purchase fire and rescue vessel

Snow Hill Park
Boat ramp

St. Patricks Creek Federal Navigation Channel
Maintenance dredging

Talbot County

Easton Point
Boat ramp parking lot improvements

Town of St. Michaels
Harbor Road boat slip improvements and water connections

Washington County

Greenbrier State Park
Boat dock improvements

Town of Hancock
Boat ramp improvements

Williamsport Volunteer Fire & EMS
New fire and rescue vessel

Wicomico County
Cedar Hill Marina
Bulkhead restoration

Worcester County

Town of Ocean City Fire Department
Fire and rescue vessel engine replacement

Town of Ocean City
Channel #10 maintenance dredging

Natural Resources Police Area 1 Marine Facility, Ocean City
Maintenance dredging

Pocomoke River State Park
Milburn Landing boat ramp repairs

South Point Public Boat Ramp, West Ocean City
Bulkhead replacement and improvements


Emergency dredging and navigation needs
($100,000 General Fund)

State cost share for Federal Clean Vessel Act funding for the operation/maintenance of marina sewage pumpouts

State cost share for federal Sport Fish Restoration Boating Access (BA) and Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG) projects

Federal cost share for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service boating programs
$2.5 million

All FY22 Grants Gateway Awards are listed on the Maryland Department of Natural Resources website.

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