2019 – 2020 NOAA Biennial Report to Congress

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The NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office’s Biennial Report to Congress includes a snapshot of work completed during fiscal years 2019 and 2020.

NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office Biennial Report to Congress Highlights:

Completing the restoration of 350 acres of oyster reef in the Little Choptank River in Maryland, the largest oyster restoration project in the world to date.

Maintaining a system of buoys that allow for near-real-time observations of the Bay’s changing water and weather conditions.

Providing $5.2 million in funding to support watershed education for 53,000 students and 1,700 teachers.

Funded fish and habitat science with a focus on state and federal fisheries management needs for striped bass, summer flounder, black sea bass, and invasive blue catfish.

Supporting the design of three nearshore habitat restoration projects in coastal Virginia, which will enhance coastal resiliency and provide habitat for commercially and recreationally important fish.

For details, download the 2019 – 2020 Biennial Report to Congress.

source: NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office

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