Annapolis – Anne Arundel County Watershed Protection and Restoration Grants

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The Anne Arundel County Bureau of Watershed Protection and Restoration (BWPR), a division of the Department of Public Works; the City of Annapolis; and the Chesapeake Bay Trust (funded in part by the Maryland Chesapeake Bay license plate program) recently announced a grant opportunity to support watershed restoration and protection projects in Anne Arundel County and the City of Annapolis.

Proposals for both small-scale and large-scale water quality improvement projects are eligible for consideration, with grants expected to range from $15,000 to $300,000. Example project types include installation of rain gardens, bioswales, stream and wetland restoration, step pools, living shorelines, and green roofs.

In addition to grants, the County will consider requests for acquisition of properties subjected to frequent flooding from nontidal sources. Increasingly intense rainfall events as climate continues to change have left certain properties particularly susceptible to flooding. Acquisitions of flood-prone properties would provide the County with natural resource protection areas, stormwater storage, and/or other environmental benefits, including the mitigation of flood risk elsewhere.

Nonprofit organizations such as local watershed groups; community associations; faith-based organizations; and service, youth, and civic groups are eligible and encouraged to apply for watershed restoration projects.

Landowners, or partners representing landowners, are eligible to apply for the County land acquisition component.

Applicants in both opportunities (grants for restoration projects, applications for property acquisition) must arrange a site visit with the funding partners prior to applying for funding. A pre-application virtual workshop will be held on December 1, 2020.

The deadline for applications is March 4, 2021, at 4 pm. Please visit to review the request for proposals and learn more.

The program recently awarded seven projects in the County:

Arundel Rivers Federation, Broad Creek Park Stream Restoration Phase III, $364,225

This project will restore approximately 3,760 linear feet of actively eroding stream as well as provide opportunities to enhance forested riparian buffer in Broad Creek Park in Anne Arundel County. The project approach is to install rock riffle weir structures in the existing channel. This approach will restore the incised stream by raising the groundwater, allowing flows to frequently access the floodplain rather than eroding the channel. The outcome will be reduced nutrient and sediment pollution to the South River, restored hydrology, and enhanced habitat along this forested stream corridor.

Severn River Association, Inc., West Severna Park Living Shoreline, $32,277

The Severn River Association (SRA) and the West Severna Park Community Association (WSPCA) will restore approximately 100 linear feet of actively eroding river bank adjacent to the WSPCA community beach. This project will include the installation of a living shoreline and the creation of approximately 1,500 square feet of intertidal marsh and will provide credit for 4 acres of impervious acres treated. The project, which will stop the ongoing erosion, will result in the reduction of stormwater pollution and the addition of critical intertidal habitat where there is currently none. In addition, this project will include community outreach that will educate community members on the importance of these habitats and their benefit over traditional hard stabilization methods such as bulkheads.

Chesapeake Rivers Association, Inc., St. Dixon Farm Restoration, $242,567

The project is located on an operating sod farm that is located in the Whitehall peninsula between Mill Creek and Whitehall Creek in the Severn River Watershed. The project will correct a drainage problem on the sod fields, which allows ponded stormwater to flow directly into two creeks, which feed Ridout Creek. The project will create a flow path extending 620 linear feet. This flow path will direct surface runoff from the sod farm through a series of sand-bedded pools and riffles that provide water quality treatment upstream before entering the sediment pond. The new flow path will slow stormwater flows which in turn reduce surface erosion, allow sediments to settle put, increase water storage, and improve water quality.

Arundel Rivers Federation, Beards Creek Stormwater Outfall Retrofit and Stream Restoration, $349,312

The Arundel Rivers Federation will implement a 2,118 linear foot stream restoration project in the Beards Creek sub-watershed of the South River. This project will prevent 760 pounds of nitrogen, 124 pounds of phosphorus, and 9.3 tons of sediment pollution from entering Beards Creek annually through the installation of engineered wood structures that aim to reconnect the floodplain

Arundel Rivers Federation, Camp Woodlands (Broad Creek) Stream Restoration, $43,198

The Arundel Rivers Federation will implement a 1,300 linear foot stream restoration project at the Girl Scout’s Camp Woodlands in Annapolis. This restoration will result in estimated pollutant load reductions of 492 pounds of nitrogen/year, 151 pounds of phosphorus/year, and 136.42 tons of sediment/year while increasing habitat and recreational value of the site.

Loch Haven Civic Association, Living Shoreline and Community Beach, $129,034

The Loch Haven traditional beach and swimming area has been eroding and shrinking for years. The combination of storms, boat wakes, sea level rise and a soft geology have resulted in rapid shrinkage of this cherished asset. This project will implement a living shoreline, complementing two previous living shoreline projects along the association’s shoreline.

Ulmstead Club, Inc. Ulmstead Community Park Rain Garden, $18,900

This project will implement three rain gardens along the edge of an existing parking area in a 2-acre Community Park which fronts the Magothy River at Ulmstead Point. The combined effect will treat 100% of the impervious area on site and provide plantings to capture up to a 2.2-inch storm event.

source: Chesapeake Bay Trust

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