2020 Free Fishing Days – Chesapeake Bay

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chesapeake bay striped bass
Striped Bass

In June and again on July 4, anglers can take advantage of free fishing days on the Chesapeake Bay in 2020. Each year, Maryland and Virginia offer free fishing days during the summer season.

Maryland Free Fishing Days

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will hold license-free fishing days on June 6, June 13, and July 4.

Free fishing days provide prospective anglers with opportunities to explore Maryland’s diverse and unique fishing experiences without needing a fishing license, trout stamp, or registration.

Following Governor Hogan’s announcement of Stage One of the ‘Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery,’ the state has expanded opportunities for outdoor exercise and recreation in the state. Anglers are advised to follow social distancing and other precautions as outlined in the department’s update regarding Maryland outdoor recreation.

Maryland hosts license-free fishing days annually on the first two Saturdays in June and on the Independence Day holiday. On these days, any individual may catch and possess finfish in any tidal and nontidal waters of Maryland, as long as it’s for recreational purposes. All anglers must follow current size and catch limits found in the DNR fishing and crabbing guide.

Virginia Free Fishing Days

Virginia will host free fishing days on June 5, 6, and 7, 2020. During the state’s free fishing weekend, no fishing license of any kind will be required for recreational rod and reel fishing. All fishing regulations including size, season, catch limits, and gear restrictions, will remain in effect.

Saltwater limits and regulations can be found on the Marine Resources Commission’s website,https://webapps.mrc.virginia.gov/public/reports/swrecfishingrules.php.

The 2020 Freshwater Fishing and Boating Regulations can be found at the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries website at:www.dgif.virginia.gov/fishing/regulations/.com.

sources: Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Virginia Marine Resources Commission

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