City of Annapolis to Take Possession of Burtis House

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After more than nine months of negotiations with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Burtis House and adjacent property, the “Frank” parcel, have been offered as surplus property to the City of Annapolis.

In a letter dated November 7, 2019, DNR Land Acquisition and Planning Director Heidi Dudderar asked the Department of General Services to initiate the process to transfer the property to the City.

As part of the City’s resilience strategy, the property, with a location 67-71 Prince George Street, can be used as a visitor center, including strategic maritime uses for the Annapolis Harbormaster.

DNR has requested an easement for continued use of the docks for state emergency and ice-breaker boats. Mayor Gavin Buckley will accept those terms in order that the City can take possession of the property.

“As we move into the final phase of the City Dock Action Group and Working Teams report, the Burtis House was always a crucial piece of the puzzle,” said Mayor Gavin Buckley. “We needed to take possession of the property in order to connect the City’s resiliency efforts to those of the U.S. Naval Academy. It’s the keystone of our City Dock resilience strategy.”

The City Dock Action Group, an independent commission of the City of Annapolis, is expected to report their findings and recommendations to the Annapolis Mayor and City Council on December 18, 2019.

The next step will be to go before the Board of Public Works. Mayor Buckley has briefed Comprotoller Peter Franchot, Treasurer Nancy Kopp and been in touch with members of the governor’s staff about the next steps.

In addition, the Burtis House may serve as a place for further historic interpretation. With the recent UNESCO Slave Route Project marker designation, the Mayor envisions Burtis as an ideal location to tell more of the story of the City of Annapolis.

source: City of Annapolis

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