Maryland State Record Sheepshead (Chesapeake Bay)

posted in: Recreational Fishing | 0
md state record sheepshead
MD state record sheepshead (credit: MD DNR)

The Maryland state fishing record for sheepshead (Chesapeake Division) was broken recently, according to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Dave Alveberg caught the 13.73-pound record breaking fish Aug. 17, in roughly 4 feet of water off South Marsh Island near Tangier Sound.

Alveberg was using soft crab as bait when he caught the record-breaking sheepshead.

The sheepshead’s weight was confirmed by Brent Malone of How Sweet It Is, a market in Somerset County.

The catch broke the previous record 13.3-pound fish caught by Dan Thomas in 2016.

DNR maintains state records for sport fish in four divisions; Atlantic, Chesapeake, Nontidal, and Invasive.

source: Maryland Department of Natural Resources

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