Spring in the Chesapeake means the return of iconic bird species and with that return, millions of viewers will tune in to watch the Chesapeake Conservancy’s wildlife webcams.
Chesapeake Conservancy is pleased to begin a new season with explore.org and three live-streaming webcams that take viewers inside the nests of osprey, peregrine falcons, and great blue herons.
“When people think of the Chesapeake, they often think of some of its most iconic species, such as blue crabs, oysters, or osprey. We must not take for granted that these species depend on the health of the Chesapeake Bay for their very survival. In fact, both osprey and peregrine were brought back from the brink of extinction to once again thrive in the Chesapeake,” Chesapeake Conservancy President and CEO Joel Dunn said. “In a time of great turmoil for the Chesapeake, these beautiful birds provide an example of what we can do to restore the environment when we put our minds to it.”
Peregrine Falcon Cam
Viewers of the Baltimore Peregrine Falcon Nest Cam will see that stars Boh and Barb already have 4 eggs to take care of at their home in downtown Baltimore, on the 33rd floor of the Transamerica skyscraper.
This building, located at 100 Light Street, has been a nesting site for peregrine falcons for over 35 years and has been a key component in the species’ recovery. Boh and Barb remain in Baltimore all through the winter, hunting birds such as pigeons, starlings, and jays.
Last season Boh and Barb hatched four eyases (falcon chicks) with three growing up to fledge in the fall. Fans voted to name the eyases Charlie, Pauli, and Pratt after the streets below the Transamerica Building
Osprey Cam
The Osprey Cam shows the daily lives of Tom and Audrey, an osprey couple living on Kent Island, at the home of the “Crazy Osprey Family.” Last year, Tom and Audrey hatched two chicks, though a predator bird attacked the nest, knocking Audrey and one of the chicks off the nest. The surviving chick was named Chessie by webcam fans and successfully fledged in September.
In 2016, Tom and Audrey were featured in photo documentary entitled Inside an Osprey’s Nest. Authors Craig. A Koppie and Teena Ruark Gorrow photographed and documented the story of the osprey couple’s 2015 season, in which Koppie, a raptor biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, successfully introduced two foster chicks into the nest.
The book is available on the Chesapeake Conservancy’s website. When purchased from this website, $10 will be donated to the Conservancy. Tom & Audrey’s fans also enjoy a blog written by the Crazy Osprey Family, a link is provided from the Conservancy’s website.
Great Blue Heron Cam
This spring, great blue herons have begun building up their nests at the heron cam location. In 2016, The property where the webcam is located hosts between 10 and 12 nests, with two of them in view of the camera.
All three webcams can be viewed at chesapeakeconservancy.org.
Great Blue Heron Cam: explore.org/blueherons
Chesapeake Conservancy Osprey Cam: explore.org/ospreynest
Peregrine Falcon Cam: explore.org/falconcam
source: Chesapeake Conservancy
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