Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge Expansion

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lesser scaup drake duck

In September 2025, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) announced that Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) has received approval to acquire 758 acres for $2.235 million.

The Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge project will conserve over 2,500 acres of priority habitat for migrating and wintering American black ducks, mallards, Canada geese and greater snow geese, as well as habitat for black rail, salt-marsh sparrow and other wetland-associated migratory birds.

The project will add over 2,600 acres to the refuge’s public program, expanding public opportunities for white-tailed deer, sika deer, turkey, and waterfowl hunting.

The funding was among nearly $6.5 million in expenditures from the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to conserve 3,274 acres for five national wildlife refuges through fee title land acquisitions and easement acquisitions.

The Migratory Bird Conservation Fund receives money through the sale of Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps (Duck Stamps), which help provide habitat for wildlife and increased opportunities for refuge visitors who enjoy hunting, birdwatching, photography, and other activities.

source: U.S. Department of the Interior

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