Crab Decks & Tiki Bars of the Chesapeake Bay-Maryland Edition

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A new Maryland Edition of Crab Decks & Tiki Bars of the Chesapeake Bay was released recently. One half of a two-state series, the unique travel guide lists waterfront restaurants with hot crabs and cool drinks.

In 2012, the Virginia Edition of Crab Decks & Tiki Bars of the Chesapeake Bay was released. Now an updated Maryland Edition turns its attention back to the Chesapeake’s northern shorelines.

With the book in hand, seafood lovers can pick crabs at a Ravens Nest, sip rum drinks on the deck of a converted oyster-shucking house, or peel shrimp in a town that fooled the British in the War of 1812.

The Maryland Edition has grown 35% to cover more than 200 Bay locations. The book is presented in 12 different regions such as Baltimore Inner Harbor, Annapolis & Eastport, Headwaters of the Bay, Patuxent River, the Eastern Shore, Potomac River, and Washington, DC.

Every restaurant profile has basic contact info, as well as useful data such as Latitude & Longitude, Body of Water, Dockage, and Driving Distance from major cities.  A unique Atmosphere Meter (ranging from a casual frosty beer mug to a more formal crisp martini) and photos taken on-site help readers know what to expect before they arrive.

For more on Crab Decks & Tiki Bars of the Chesapeake Bay, visit

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