Maryland State Record Sheepshead

posted in: Recreational Fishing | 0

Dan Thomas of Delmar caught a new Maryland record 13 pound, five ounce sheepshead fish on September 16 in Hoopers Straight, north of Bloodsworth Island.

He hooked the record catch while competing in the Westside Outcaster’s Open, a tournament to benefit the Bivalve Volunteer Fire Company.

The sheepshead was officially weighed on a Maryland Department of Agriculture-certified scale and confirmed by a Maryland Department of Natural Resource (DNR) biologist.

The previous Chesapeake Bay division record was a 13-pound fish caught by Margaret Taylor in Tangier Sound in 2006. The Maryland Atlantic division record is a 17-pound, eight-ounce fish caught in 2004 from the Ocean City Inlet.

Thomas will receive a State record plaque from DNR and will be recognized as a Maryland record achiever at next year’s Maryland Fishing Challenge Awards Ceremony at the Maryland Seafood Festival in Annapolis.

source: MD DNR

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