The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and partners have released an analysis evaluating the pros and cons of keeping, improving or removing Bloede Dam and are looking for citizens to share their input.
The possible removal of Bloede Dam is part of a larger, more comprehensive effort to restore 43 miles of stream habitat for migratory and resident fish. The Patapsco River restoration project started with the removal of Union Dam in September 2009.
The Patapsco River once supported large runs of shad, herring, and American eels, but several dams have blocked these historic migrations. A fish ladder was constructed at Bloede Dam in the 1990s in the hope of allowing fish to pass around the dam, but that ladder has proven ineffective at passing fish, especially American eel.
Following the removal of Union and Simkins Dams, a variety of fish species have begun using previously inaccessible areas of the Patapsco River. If the Bloede Dam is removed, additional fish habitat would be available for migratory species such as shad, river herring, eels, and perch.
Bloede Dam is owned by DNR and is located in Patapsco Valley State Park. DNR is accepting input online at and at two open houses: June 28 from 2 to 8 p.m. and June 29 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Catonsville Public Library at 1100 Frederick Road in Catonsville.
Comments or suggestions are due by August 31, 2012.
A complete copy of the draft and more information is available at
source: MD DNR
The Bloede Dam was removed in 2019.
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