severn river annapolis maryland

The Severn River begins as Severn Run and flows southeast for about 10 miles before converging with the Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis Maryland.

Much of the Severn Run watershed is protected by Severn Run Natural Environment Area. The waterway converges with Jabez Branch before passing under Route 97.

East of Route 97, the river gains width and salinity. It makes a series of sharp bends and widens considerably near Cedar Point.

Public access to the Severn River is an important issue for stakeholders. The riverfront can be accessed at public parks, piers, boat launching ramps, and other facilities. Although some public access is free, other areas require permits or have limited access.

South of Annapolis, Truxton Park on Spa Creek provides access to the lower Severn River. Jonas Green Park features a fishing pier, kayak-canoe launch site, and other recreational facilities.

Severn River Facts

The Severn River is the Capital River of the State of Maryland.

The river was designated as a Maryland Scenic River in 1971.

The Severn has been classified as an “impaired” body of water under the Clean Water Act.

The Severn River is part of Maryland’s oyster sanctuary network, which is closed to commercial harvest.

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