2023 MD-VA Chesapeake Bay Striped Bass Surveys

posted in: Science-Research | 0

Surveys of juvenile striped bass in the Chesapeake Bay watershed found lower numbers of fish in 2023. Conducted by biologists in Maryland and Virginia, the surveys included counts of juvenile striped bass and other species in waters of the Chesapeake … Continued

2022 MD-VA Chesapeake Bay Striped Bass Surveys

posted in: Science-Research | 0

2022 surveys of juvenile striped bass in the Chesapeake Bay watershed yielded mixed results. Conducted by biologists in Maryland and Virginia, the surveys included counts of juvenile striped bass and other species in waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Maryland Striped Bass … Continued

James Island – Barren Island Ecosystem Restoration

posted in: Chesapeake Bay News | 0

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Baltimore District, and the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) recently signed a Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) for the $4 billion Mid-Chesapeake Bay ecosystem restoration project. The PPA outlines the roles, responsibilities, and financial … Continued

MD-USFWS Chesapeake Bay Northern Snakehead Tagging Program

posted in: Science-Research | 0

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently announced a new northern snakehead tagging program, held in conjunction with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The tagging program will help monitor invasive northern snakeheads in the Chesapeake Bay and … Continued

Green Streets Green Jobs Green Towns (G3) Infrastructure Grants

posted in: Environmental Issues | 0

The Chesapeake Bay Trust, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WV DEP) recently announced over $1 million in funding has been awarded to 13 projects that span Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West … Continued

Annapolis – AA County Watershed Restoration Grants

posted in: Environmental Issues | 0

The Chesapeake Bay Trust, the Anne Arundel County Bureau of Watershed Protection and Restoration, and the City of Annapolis have awarded $1.28 million in funding to projects that focus on environmental restoration and protection. Ten projects to be implemented in … Continued