spot fish
Norfolk Spot


The Norfolk spot is one of the most common fish of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Spot are similar in appearance to croaker and white perch. Diagonal stripes and a prominent spot behind the gill distinguishes this species from other small fish.

Spot are fun to catch and a great fish for anglers of all ages. Anglers use standard 2 hook rigs, using small hooks and small pieces of bait. Popular baits include bloodworms, shrimp, clam, and synthetic bait products such as fish bites.

Fishermen also use multi-hook rigs and tiny baits to catch small spot for bait. When fishing for bait, some anglers prefer sabiki rigs, which catch fish even without bait. Both rigs are slowly jigged near fishing piers or other pilings.

In the Chesapeake Bay, the Saxis Island fishing pier, Sea Gull fishing pier, Cape Charles fishing pier, Crisfield pier, Choptank Pier, and Severn River pier are all good places to fish for spot.

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