Maryland No Net Loss Forest Legislation

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Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley recently signed into law legislation that amends Maryland’s forest conservation policy to maintain the State’s current 40 percent tree canopy.

The bill establishes new and expanded reforestation incentives and tools to help landowners and local governments meet and surpass the statewide goal.

In addition to no-net-loss requirements, Maryland’s Forest Preservation Act of 2013 (House Bill 706) adds a dual sustainability certification of State Forests requirement, and extends tax benefits to more Marylanders who work to increase tree cover on their property.

Until now, landowners could deduct between 10 and 500 acres worth of forestry expenses from their income tax liability. This legislation expands that amount to 3 to 1,000 acres, making more private property owners eligible for tax credits. By including smaller land areas, more Marylanders will have incentive to convert residential turf to trees, and increase, retain and manage forest cover on these properties.

Forest stewardship activities include tree plantings, creating and maintaining forested stream buffers, controlling invasive species, and other best management practices that improve forest health.

The bill was supported by more than 40 forestry and environmental groups including the Maryland Sustainable Forestry Council, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology, Maryland Association of Counties, Maryland Municipal League, Maryland State Builders Association, Maryland State Firemen’s Association, Maryland Tree Farm Committee, The Nature Conservancy; the Sierra Club – Maryland Chapter, and Blue Water Baltimore.

source: Maryland Department of Natural Resources

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