2008 DNR Yellow Perch Sportfishing Survey

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The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Fisheries Service will be conducting a sport fishing survey in three selected watersheds beginning in mid-February and continuing through late March. The gathered information from recreational anglers specifically will specifically target yellow perch during their late winter/early spring spawning runs.

Interviewed anglers will be asked a series of questions describing the effort, catch and residence of their yellow perch fishing activity for the day. Anglers will also have to opportunity to voice their opinions and level of satisfaction with the current perch fishery. Interviews will be conducted in the Bush River, the Chester River, Mattawoman Creek and Wicomico River.

In addition to the interview survey, a yellow perch creel site has been established online. This survey, modeled after DNR’s striped bass and summer flounder online surveys is designed to provide yellow perch angler input throughout the entire Bay. Participating anglers will be asked basic questions regarding the day’s locations fished, effort and catch.

The information collected from both surveys will be utilized by the Department regarding future yellow perch management and regulatory decisions as well as the upcoming Yellow Perch Fisheries Management Plan. For more yellow perch information, visit http://www.dnr.state.md.us/fisheries/recreational/articles/ypmgmnt.html.

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